When you make certain movements that flex your muscles or put pressure on your implants - like opening a jar, lifting weights or reaching for something - you may notice animation deformity because your muscles are pushing your implants down and out.

Animation deformity is most common when your implants are placed under your muscle (submuscular) and is pictured above!

This photo was taken last summer (2020) when I was out on the river meeting my boyfriend’s friends for the first time.

I talked about the experience in an Instagram post linked here.

I used to be very self conscious about my animation deformity until I realized that so many other Breasties also experience this!

However, animation deformity can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful and lead to a loosening of the implant pocket over time. My implants have shifted out of their pockets over time and are now deep into my armpits which causes major discomfort and back pain.

This is a major reason why I’m choosing to have a revision surgery where I will “change planes” aka swap my implants from under the muscle to over the muscle!

I am hoping this not only helps with my animation deformity but also helps with my pain and discomfort!

I hope by opening sharing images like - images that are hard to share and that make me feel extremely insecure and vulnerable - help you feel less alone and more normal.

Always here if you need someone to talk to! xx