During a mastectomy, the breast tissue is removed, severing the nerves that provide feeling to the breast and nipple. When nerves are severed, nerve signals are disrupted. This can result in numbness and permanent loss of sensation to the breast area. We often regain little to no feeling, even if we choose to undergo breast reconstruction.
Read MoreYou can ask 100 doctors and you will get 100 different answers, so what is a breastie to do?
Read MoreWhen you make certain movements that flex your muscles or put pressure on your implants - like opening a jar, lifting weights or reaching for something - you may notice animation deformity because your muscles are pushing your implants down and out.
Read MoreA FLAP surgery is where your surgeon uses your own muscle, fat, and skin to create foobs!
Read MoreIn case you don’t feel like scrolling through my entire Instagram here are some helpful posts that might help you as you navigate your double mastectomy.
Read MoreAsnwering some commonly asked questions about my double mastectomy, reconstruction like how many cc’s I have, what brand of implant, etc!
Read Moreeverything you need to know about over the muscle vs under the muscle when navigating your reconstruction after a double mastectomy!
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